Sweet Obsession 2


Lacey Anderson at Rio Lacanja, Chiapas, Mexico

In 2009 I was laid off from my teaching job for the last time! I said goodbye to that old career and did not look back. Instead of seeking another teaching job I returned to a lifestyle I love. Basically, I moved into my trusty 4×4 Toyota Tundra and hit the road. To pursue a life once again of poverty and adventure as a river guide and all-around obsessed “dirt-bag” boater.  This renewed path has added at least a couple thousand river miles to my log. I have been so busy doing river explorations, writing two new cookbooks, and guiding that I have not  kept up with the writing of this blog. This post begins the continuation of my story. Thanks for your interest in my tales and taking the time to read my posts!

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2 thoughts on “Sweet Obsession

  • Yvette Campbell

    In just reading your story I found a kindred spirit. I have been an RN for 20yrs. I too have returned to my passions by starting a non-profit for women wilderness retreats. We do mostly all rafting trips with some slot canyon adventures. I have not totally given up nursing as it keeps me in the loop with people I need. We focus on needs of special groups such as Mother’s of Autistic Children(no kids come)Substance Addiction Survivors, Cancer Survivors and next year we add PTSD female Veterans and Sexual Abuse survivors.
    I am getting your book for future trips and our privet Grand Canyon trip in Aug. I would love to communicate and see more of your stories. I’ll be checking out the Archives.
    Hugs river sister
    Yvette Campbell
    Soul-R-Eclipse, Inc.

    • Administrator

      For sure, we are kindred spirits. I looked up your website and can see you are doing awesome retreats in the wilderness. As a commercial outdoor recreation guide I specialize in all-women trips. I have lead all-women backpack trips into Paria Canyon and all-women whitewater rafting trips on the Merced, South Fork American, and the Middle Fork American rivers. Keep up these amazing opportunities for women, it is hecka fun and empowering.
      There is an alternative way to get a signed copy of my cookbook. For a signed copy, transfer $15.95 via PayPal, as a gift, to cookbook@golightoutdoors.com. Be sure to include your name, mailing address, and email address. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. I am almost done with another cookbook that perfectly compliments this edition. I will be releasing it in various electronic formats. In the soon to be released e-Book the recipes are all raw – no cooking required! In this way one can add fresh ingredients to the non-perishable meals.