
Tip # 1 – Keeping Foods Fresh

Purchase fruits and vegetables right before your trip. Select the freshest without any bruising or discoloration. Do not purchase produce that is wilted or showing signs of age. Keep the produce dry, well ventilated and out of light. Do not wash before packing. Washing may introduce water born bacteria that starts the decomposition process.

Wash produce just before use, not when purchased. Take extra care in the original packing. Fresh produce will last longer if it has a cushion wrap of some sort around it. You can pad with a variety of materials; cloth towels, paper towels, newspaper, or paper bags to keep from bruising and then place in a hard shelled container like a Vittle Vault (see resource section).

Fresh produce will need some extra care while on your trip. Keep the food out of the full sun and move to shade whenever possible. You will want to keep the fruits and vegetables as dry as possible. Check the produce everyday for moisture and condensation. If it does become damp, dry off, check for bad spots and repackage the dry undamaged produce. If there is any dampness rewrap with new packing material. Throw out immediately if starting to spoil, the saying, “it only take one bad apple to spoil the whole barrel” holds true, once something starts to spoil, everything it touches won’t be far behind. Check the produce everyday and if any is bruised, over-ripe or beginning to mold throw it out. Do not wash the produce until needed, so that water born bacteria does not get on it to start the decomposition process early.

Weather will make a difference. Produce will keep in hot weather without being under ice, but it will need more attention. It is surprising how long produce will last in cooler weather (75 degrees and less) if you follow the steps listed above.

Tip # 2 – Freshness Guidelines


General rule for all produce – keep it dry! Check on a daily basis for dryness. If it does become damp, dry off, check for bad spots and repackage the dry undamaged produce.

Medjool Dates
Storage Length: Several months

Storage Length: 1 month
Special Care: Tart apples (like Granny Smith) keep the longest. Do not store with citrus because it will cause ripening sooner

Citrus – oranges, lemons, limes
Storage Length: 1 month
Special Care: Do not store with apples.

Green Cabbage
Storage Length: 3 weeks
Special Care: Wrap in towels or some sort of protective cover.

English Cucumber
Storage Length: 2 weeks
Special Care:  “English Cucumbers” wrapped in cellophane without bruises last the longest.

Storage Length: 2 weeks
Special Care: Store with tops off.

Storage Length: 1 week

Green Bell Peppers
Storage Length: 5 days
Special Care: Buy green bell peppers because the green last the longest. Green will begin to ripen and turn yellow and red.

Storage Length: 5 days

Romaine Lettuce
Storage Length:
Special Care: Unroll a paper towel roll, peel the lettuce leaves off of lettuce core and lay individual leaves on paper towels. Make sure the lettuce is dry. Reroll the paper back into the cylinder shape and place the leaves into green bags. See the demonstration video on this blog

Green onions
Storage Length: 3 days